Leave Management Tool

The Leave Management Tool aims to address discrepancies that have arisen as a result of offline modifications or special directives from clients. In support of the Leave Pillar, the LMT will allow users to modify, add, and deactivate leaves individually or in groups.

Leave Management Tool

The Leave Management Tool aims to address discrepancies that have arisen as a result of offline modifications or special directives from clients. In support of the Leave Pillar, the LMT will allow users to modify, add, and deactivate leaves individually or in groups.


The LMT User Guide shall cover the following:

  • Add a leave utilization
  • Deactivate / Re-activation of a leave utilization
  • Edit an existing leave
  • Front load special leave accrual
  • Activate a deactivated leave
  • Import Leave Balance Template
  • Export Leave Balance Temaplate
  • Complete the Leave Balance Template
  • Process Batch leaves for accrual


  • Frontloading of leaves / Leave Accrual
  • Leave Deactivation
  • Leave Re-activation
  • Leave Updating
  • By Use of Template
  • By Use of Batch Uploading

Account Entries

Account Entries are essential in using the Leave Management Tool:

  • Accruals
  • Beginning Balance
  • Leave Adjustmente

Front Loading of Leaves / Accrual of Leaves

Front Loading of leaves allows the accrual of leave credit/s to an employee at any given time.

  • Approval of the Manager
  • Check on the employee's employment status
  • Front loaded leaves should not be of the same date and of the same leave type


  • If a Manager approved the accrual of an incentive in a form of leave credit
  • If a Manager approved the accrual of leave for an employee who has over-utilized his leaves credits
  • Leaves are provided in full upfront

User Guide

  1. Login to Empowerteams
  2. Go to HR role
  3. On the side bar, click on Leave Management, then Leave Balance
  4. Search on the Employee name
  5. Click Add Entry on the belt menu
  6. Complete the form
    • Credit Type (SIL or TOIL)
    • Effectivity Date (Date the accrual should be displayed)
    • Entry Type (Account entry)
    • Leave Value (Number of leave credits for accrual)
    • Reason
  7. Review the details
  8. Click Submit

Leave Deactivation

Leave Deactivation allows the users to make inactive a leave filed in the system, hence, once deactivated, leave balances shall be reverted to the leave bucket. Deletion of leave utilization is not practiced in the system for record purporses.

  • Approval of the Manager
  • Check on the employee's employment status
  • Front loaded leaves should not be of the same date and of the same leave type


  • If a Manager approved the accrual of an incentive in a form of leave credit
  • If a Manager approved the accrual of leave for an employee who has over-utilized his leaves credits
  • Leaves are provided in full upfront

User Guide

  1. Login to Empowerteams
  2. Go to HR role
  3. On the side bar, click on Leave Management, then Leave Balance
  4. Search on the Employee name
  5. Click Add Entry on the belt menu
  6. Complete the form
    • Credit Type (SIL or TOIL)
    • Effectivity Date (Date the accrual should be displayed)
    • Entry Type (Account entry)
    • Leave Value (Number of leave credits for accrual)
    • Reason
  7. Review the details
  8. Click Submit

Leave Re-Activation

Leave Reactivation allows the users to activate a leave that was previously deactivated.

  • Approval of the Manager
  • Check on the employee's employment status
  • Front loaded leaves should not be of the same date and of the same leave type


  • If a Manager approved the accrual of an incentive in a form of leave credit
  • If a Manager approved the accrual of leave for an employee who has over-utilized his leaves credits
  • Leaves are provided in full upfront

User Guide

  1. Login to Empowerteams
  2. Go to HR role
  3. On the side bar, click on Leave Management, then Leave Balance
  4. Search on the Employee name
  5. Click Add Entry on the belt menu
  6. Complete the form
    • Credit Type (SIL or TOIL)
    • Effectivity Date (Date the accrual should be displayed)
    • Entry Type (Account entry)
    • Leave Value (Number of leave credits for accrual)
    • Reason
  7. Review the details
  8. Click Submit

Leave Updating

Leave Updating allows users to edit an existing filed leave transaction.

  • Approval of the Manager
  • Check on the employee's employment status
  • Front loaded leaves should not be of the same date and of the same leave type


  • If a Manager approved the accrual of an incentive in a form of leave credit
  • If a Manager approved the accrual of leave for an employee who has over-utilized his leaves credits
  • Leaves are provided in full upfront

User Guide

  1. Login to Empowerteams
  2. Go to HR role
  3. On the side bar, click on Leave Management, then Leave Balance
  4. Search on the Employee name
  5. Click Add Entry on the belt menu
  6. Complete the form
    • Credit Type (SIL or TOIL)
    • Effectivity Date (Date the accrual should be displayed)
    • Entry Type (Account entry)
    • Leave Value (Number of leave credits for accrual)
    • Reason
  7. Review the details
  8. Click Submit